Dependable, Compassionate Elderly Care Services
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) – certain basic tasks required for daily living, including the
ability to bathe, dress/undress, eat, toilet, transfer in and out of bed or chair, get around inside the
home, and manage incontinence.
Adult Companion Service – nonmedical care, supervision, and socialization provided to a
participant. Companions may assist or supervise the participant with such light household tasks as
meal preparation, laundry, and shopping.
Chore Service – an unusual or infrequent household maintenance task that is needed to maintain the
participant’s home in a clean, sanitary, and safe environment. Chore includes heavy household
work such as washing floors, windows, and walls; tacking down loose rugs and tiles; and moving
heavy items of furniture in order to provide safe access and egress.
Homemaker – a person who performs light housekeeping duties (for example, cooking, cleaning,
laundry, and shopping) for the purpose of maintaining a participant’s household.
Independent Living Supports – a service that ensures 24 hour, seven days per week access to
supportive services for participants who have intermittent, scheduled, and unscheduled needs for
various forms of assistance, but who do not require 24-hour supervision. It provides participants
with services and supports in a variety of activities such as: ADLs and instrumental activities of
daily living (IADLs), support and companionship, emotional support, and socialization. This
service is provided by a site-based provider, and is available to participants who choose to reside
in locations where a critical mass of individuals reside who require such support and where
providers of such supports are available.
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) – certain basic environmental tasks required for
daily living, including the ability to prepare meals, do housework, laundry, and shopping, get
around outside, use transportation, manage money, and use the telephone
Personal Care – services provided to a participant, which may include physical assistance,
supervision or cuing of participants, for the purpose of assisting the participant to accomplish
activities of daily living (ADLs), including, but not limited to, eating, toileting, dressing, bathing,
transferring, and ambulation.
Supportive Home Care Aide – services provided to participants with Alzheimer’s/dementia or
behavioral health needs to assist with ADLs and IADLs. These services include personal care,
shopping, menu planning, meal preparation including special diets, laundry, light housekeeping,
escort, and socialization /emotional support.